• According the statistics of 2022 the estimated population suffering with irreversible kidney damage is estimated as 10 crore approximately in India ,where as the people suffering with chronic kidney diseases is about 850 million worldwide
  • The theme of 2023 concentrates on unexpected events either it might be natural or man made disruptions that influences the health of human life and  their access for receiving the critical care is in menace.
  • The situation is about the well known virus outbreak that happened recently is COVID-19 or coronavirus . 
  • It is not quite uncommon for the viral diseases or NCDs that are happened or happening till today challenging the human kind and hampering to reach health care facilities.
  • Surprisingly,most of them which are unnoticed and unannounced worldwide are still weighs down the social,health and economic welfare of societies .Furthermore,creating the barriers for approaching health care
  • COVID -19 has aggravated the already existing situation of poor policy benefits, government funds , health commitments had only focused on common  NCDs such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease but  more than half of global NCDs burden are from kidney diseases.

Some of Them include;

  • Avian influenza a H5N1 in Cambodia
  • Marburg virus in equatorial Guinea
  • Cholera in Mozambique
  • Nipah virus in Bangladesh
  • Global cholera which is the 7th cholera pandemic situation
  • Measles in South Sudan
  • Middle East respiratory syndrome in Oman

How Does it All Connected with Kidney health?

  • As we all know that the kidney is the final pathway for all the diseases it has more tendency to get affected, leading to Acute  kidney injuries(AKI) /Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD)or even the  Renal failures
  • The leading cause that advances to kidney damage is Hypertension and diabetes 
  • The above mentioned situations challenging population who should require a long term supportive care and treatment ,need to be constantly monitored are at stake
  • There is no access for the ones requiring to undergo investigational procedures for their early detection ending up with  kidney failures by the time they get their diagnosis done
  • Restrictions  on the transport facilities, the patients from the rural areas have lost the freedom to travel or visit the health care facilities for dialysis sessions or transplantations and even  regular follow ups which are located in urban cities because of the lockdown terms implicated by the  government
  • However ,despite of the circumstances it is incredibly important for the patients to get the support by preventive strategies rather than at managemental protocols 
  • Therefore ,preparing the individual from various authoritative levels is equally important so..

1. Government should include emergency plans in managing and detecting non communicable diseases/NCDs and working towards the favor of prevention

2. Should be prepared at all times with emergency kits, food ,water ,medicines and their health records

3. Policy makers should take consideration of integrated and collaborative healthcare policies and schemes that support and prioritize the vulnerable or people at risk.

4. There should  be an equitable and proper access to care for chronic kidney disease patients or other NCD patients in times of emergencies