Non-vegetarian food and potassium

Potassium is a mineral that may be found in a variety of foods. It aids with the regularity of your heartbeat and the proper functioning of your muscles. Healthy kidneys are in charge of ensuring that your body has an adequate quantity of potassium. However, if your kidneys aren’t in good shape, you’ll need to avoid some meals that might raise potassium levels in your blood to dangerous levels. 

If your potassium level is too high, you may experience weakness, numbness, and tingling. An irregular heartbeat or a heart attack might occur if your potassium level rises too high.

What is a typical daily potassium consumption for a healthy person?

A healthy American’s daily potassium intake ranges from 3500 to 4500 mg. Potassium deficiency is usually measured in milligrams per day. Your physician or dietician will advise you on the precise amount of restriction you require based on your unique health. A renal dietician is qualified to assist you in making dietary changes to prevent kidney disease complications.

Potassium in non-vegetarian food:

  1. Fish: Many species are a great source of potassium. Wild salmon, some tuna kinds, halibut, trout, flounder, and Pacific cod are richer potassium suppliers than others. If you don’t like shellfish, red meat (including lean beef), chicken, and turkey are high in potassium. Potassium is found in all forms of fish, including thin, fatty, farmed, wild-caught, freshwater, and saltwater varieties. 

The quantity of potassium in fish varies depending on the species, but most fish are good nutrient providers, delivering at least 10% of the daily potassium requirement per serving. While thinner cuts of beef are often higher in potassium than fatty portions, this is not the case with fish. Potassium levels vary as much between lean fish, or those with less than 5% fat by weight, as they do between fatty fish or those with more than 5% fat by weight.

  1. Chicken: Potassium is included in almost all meats. Potassium is commonly found in good protein sources. Potassium levels range from 130 to 165 mg per chicken thigh or drumstick. Half a chicken breast has 220 milligrams, whereas three ounces of turkey contain between 244 and 256 milligrams. With 332 milligrams per 3-ounce meal, chicken breast has the highest, followed by beef and turkey breast with 315 and 212 milligrams, respectively. If you don’t eat meat but do eat fish, salmon offers 326 milligrams of potassium per 3-ounce meal, but canned tuna has only 153 mg.
  2. Meat: Most meats have potassium in the range of 420 mg. You should limit eating meat to 3 ounces or less for a healthy potassium level. Beef, lamb, and pork have slightly lower potassium levels in the range of 200-300 mg. 
  1. Egg: Potassium is found in roughly 63 milligrams per big egg. Eggs are a low potassium food.

How is too much potassium harmful?

  • It’s also possible to accumulate too much potassium, which might result in hyperkalemia. According to the National Renal Foundation, this is something you should be especially aware of if you have kidney difficulties. 
  • The kidneys help control potassium levels in the body. Still, if they’re not working correctly, too much potassium can enter the circulation, causing paralysis or numbness, as well as arrhythmia and heart attacks. 
  • A range of medicines, including ACE inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and some diuretics, have been shown to boost potassium levels excessively high in studies.

How to know the amounts of potassium on different products?

Potassium was formerly not featured on the Nutrition Facts food labels of packaged foods. The Nutrition Facts regulations were amended in May 2016, and potassium will now be mentioned. On or before January 2020, businesses must change their food labelling. It should make tracking your potassium consumption for improved health much more manageable.

What meats and fish have a low potassium content?

Potassium is found in almost all diets. However, most meats and fish are not considered high potassium foods. 

Phosphorus levels in some meats, such as liver and processed meats, may be excessive. It’s always crucial to keep serving size in mind when looking at potassium and phosphorus.

Potassium is abundant in a meal of beef and potatoes, which is a staple of the Midwest diet. Chicken with carrots, on the other hand, is a far more filling dish.

575 mg potassium is included in three ounces (oz) of roast beef and half a cup of boiling potatoes. 


People with renal difficulties should limit the amount of potassium they consume in their diet. It is because the kidneys control potassium. 

Potassium may not be drained out of the body effectively if they aren’t performing correctly. A person with chronic renal illness should eat a low-potassium diet of 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams (mg) per day to avoid potassium accumulation. For those with renal disease, limiting phosphorus, salt, and water may be beneficial.


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