Imaging testing

One sort of imaging test is a micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG), which employs specialized equipment to produce one or more images of a portion of the interior of the body. Another name for this test is a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG).


About the urinary system

In order for us to develop and maintain our health, the urinary system eliminates substances that the body no longer requires.


Organs with a bean form are the kidneys. Blood is filtered to eliminate excess water and waste from urine (wee). We typically have two kidneys. They are located at the bottom border of our ribs in the back, along both sides of our spine (backbone).


Long tubes known as the ureters transport urine from the bladder to the kidneys.


Urine is kept in the bladder until we’re ready to pee. It rests on the floor of the pelvic.


The urethra is a tube that links the bladder to the exterior of the body to transport pee.


Why is my kid required to take this test? The VCUG can determine if your child’s bladder is clogged or if the pee is coming out of it in the wrong direction. It can aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders, such as posterior urethral valves and vesicoureteral reflux.

reflux into the ureter


Some of the urine that is passed by infants or kids having vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) refluxes, or flows back up the incorrect way, in the direction of one or both kidneys. In extreme circumstances, this can enlarge the kidneys and ureters (the drainage tubes from the kidneys), which can result in infections. Your doctor may order this test if they suspect your infant or kid has VUR or if they consistently get urinary tract infections (UTIs).


valves in the posterior urethra

Some guys have posterior urethral valves from birth (PUV). The tube that removes urine from the body has additional tissue flaps in it (urethra). The bladder cannot easily be emptied as a result.

Risks and difficulties


Radiation definition


Ionizing radiation is a kind of energy that includes X-rays as one of its subtypes. Ionizing radiation, which damages cells, the living components of the body, can be harmful to people at large doses. Ionizing radiation is a risk to everyone. It can be found in some building materials and can leak into structures from the ground. It can also be consumed through certain meals and on flights. But they are quite low amounts.


Are X-ray examinations harmful?


The MCUG is regarded as safe since it only utilizes a little quantity of radiation. To be sure, your specialist will carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of administering this test to your kid.


soreness or discomfort when urinating


After the test, your kid could have some discomfort or irritation (like a burning feeling) when passing urine, or they might need to use the restroom more frequently. This often results from catheter discomfort which should go away in a few days. If your child’s issues persist, go to your doctor or nurse.


To aid with pain relief, you can give your kid paracetamol (such as Calpol). If there is a chance of kidney damage, avoid giving ibuprofen (such as Brufen) since it can exacerbate renal disease.


infections of the urinary tract


When microorganisms enter the urine and trigger an infection, babies and kids who have MCUGs are at risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Antibiotics may be given to your kid both prior to the test and for around 48 hours (two days) following the test.




When diagnostic tests have failed to pinpoint the source of a problem, a cystourethrogram or MCUG is typically performed. Utilizing a separate imaging test known as a MAG3 scan with indirect cystogram is an option when checking for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Since there is no urinary catheter involved, children could find this test simpler, but they must be potty-trained and free of diapers.


How to become ready for your child


If your child is prescribed antibiotics, don’t forget to give them to them as directed.


Consult your doctor if your kid exhibits symptoms of an urinary tract infection. (UTI). You would have to wait until your child feels better before scheduling this test. Children who have a UTI may get agitated, run a temperature, have discomfort when urinating, or even become ill.

To prevent your kid from developing a UTI as a result of the test, your doctor may recommend antibiotics to be given for between 48 and 72 hours. If your kid is allergic to any drugs or alternative dye that might be used during the test, your doctor may inquire.

What occurs

That X-ray division of your hospital is often where the cystourethrogram or VCUG is performed. The test is carried out by a physician or radiographer, a person educated in imaging procedures.

The contrast color makes it possible to see the urine’s flow. Images demonstrate whether and where there are obstructions in the flow of urine as well as whether it is returning to the kidney.


  • On the table, your youngster is lying. His of her genital region is toweled off and cleansed.


  • A catheter is inserted into the urethra through the orifice through which your infant or toddler releases pee. Although it could make him or her uncomfortable, this shouldn’t hurt.


  • The bladder is softly inserted with the catheter. The catheter is used to inject a little quantity of contrast dye, which then enters the bladder.


  • While your child’s bladder empties, a machine emits X-rays at various angles into the bladder over time. The pictures are accessible on


  • The contrast color makes it possible to see the urine’s flow. Images demonstrate whether and where there are obstructions in the flow of urine as well as whether it is returning to the kidneys.

  • For your doctor to gain various perspectives, your youngster may need to adjust postures.

  • While administering the exam, the staff will make every effort to put your kid at ease and prevent any feelings of embarrassment.


What to anticipate after that

After the exam, your kid can often go right away from home. In the event that your child:


  • more than two days with blood in their urine, which may appear red (like blackcurrant squash) or brown (like a cola drink)


  • stomach ache in the lower third of his or her body


  • Urinary tract infection symptoms include fever (over 38°C), feeling unwell, being tired or irritable, experiencing pain or stinging or burning when passing urine, using the restroom more frequently than usual or holding on because it hurts, and wetting the bed or themselves more frequently than usual.



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