Kidney disease awareness

 Chronic kidney disease is a kidney complication that leads to kidney failure when untreated. It has a widespread prevalence all over the world. Most of the population of the world are seen high flown with kidney disease. The global estimated rate of CKD in the world is about 13.4% ( 11.7% 215.1%) and that of end stage renal disease is estimated between 4.9 to 7.08 million. According to the researchers, about every 10 in one person is suffering from kidney disease worldwide.

Chronic kidney disease actually means that the kidneys are damaged and it cannot manage to filter blood causing the build-up of toxic materials in the body. This is accredited with the term “chronic” because it happens gradually over a long period of time. The kidneys health weakens and though a pile up of waste products builds up that harms other systems as well.

Let us first understand what kidneys do for us

You might be surprised to know the function of the small bean shaped organ which is nearly of a fixed size . 

  • Kidneys are primarily responsible for filtering out waste products and toxins from blood.
  • And another surprising fact about our kidneys is that they start to filter about 180 litres of water a day. isn’t it unbelievable?

The other important functions of kidneys are

  • Balance electrolyte concentration
  • Regulate fluid amount within the whole body.
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • It maintains acid base balance in the body which is also called chemical balance.
  • Kidneys also produce hormones that affect the Physiology of your bones in blood.
  • It is also known for the production of red blood cells.

After knowing such eloquent purposes of kidneys, it becomes our supreme moral virtue to protect it and keep it healthy. Kidneys are one of the most vital structures that carry out far reaching tasks. To shield it, first we need to implement precautions and preventions in daily life. Secondly, follow certain instructions led by the nephrologist. Lookout for some of the practical and efficacious ways to keep our kidneys lively in very good conditions.

Choose your food wisely.

. choose a healthy diet plan whose active elements provide all the essential nutrients Include raw fruits in fresh and vegetables in diet, whole grains and low fat dairy products. Also keep in mind that not all fruits and vegetables are recommended for kidneys. So, deciding the best of all is again a difficult task. Here again some of the effective ways to do this piece of work judicially as per recommended by the dietician.

  • Choose low potassium fruits and vegetables. You can go for pineapple, blueberries , sweet potatoes, cabbage, berries, apples, papaya ,strawberries and guava.
  • Choose low phosphorus eating items.
  • Adopt a low salt diet.
  • Take on physical activity as a part of your daily routine.
  • Limit fat containing dairy products.
  • Try to get enough sleep for at least 7 hours.
  • Stop harmful activities like smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Explore some stress relieving activities such as play games or do yoga.
  • Manage other related symptoms such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Before taking any medication, first know its signs and symptoms.
  • Try to take appropriate fluid in the body as per recommended by the nephrologist depending upon the stages of kidney disease.
  • Do not take pain relievers as they directly affect the kidneys.
  • You can start exercising like brisk walking, indoor games or some light outdoor games and also to some extent aerobic dancing to make your body active.

By following such healthy activities, you can easily protect your kidneys and if you’re having a kidney disease, these steps can for sure make progression of kidney disease possible. Also, it becomes possible to improve your GFR and lower creatinine levels by following these healthy lifestyle routines.

What does the beginning of kidney disease look like?

  • Since CKD is a chronic disease, so slowly and steadily the disease progresses. There are symptoms through which you can decide its effect and sometimes, the symptoms even go on noticeable. Initially, you start feeling quite feverish.
  • You can feel frequent pain in your lower back.
  • The simple way to track infection is by the feeling of burning sensation or pain while urinating. Also there is an urge to urinate often.
  • The major areas where you can feel pain are in the flank, back or pelvis. The pain circumstances may also originate while urinating.
  • Foamy and smelly urine is a sure sign of kidney infection.
  • The other gastrointestinal symptoms are nausea or vomiting.
  • And another common symptom is the fast heart rate causing you shortness of breath.
  • These are the most noticeable symptoms that you can encounter during the initial days of your kidney disease. Do not take lightly or ignore it as ignorance may result in severe cases and to the utmost stage can even lead to kidney failure so you must keep a track of your infection and lay precautions in your daily life.

How to check if you are having kidney disease?

Kidney diseases responsible for filtering toxic materials and minute is unable to do weekend track its ill effect through urine.

  • So if you are having an increased or decreased frequency of urination, this might be a sign of a kidney infection.
  • If you feel the desire to urinate most of the time.
  • If you are getting foamy urine.
  • If you feel pain while urinating.
  • Your pee colour turns into dark brown colour

Signs that shows you are having a kidney disease are 

  • .You are always feeling tired.
  • Your kidney is unable to filter out waste products, show toxins build up causing you fatigueness,, spent, weak and trouble concentration because your blood cannot get enough oxygen to the body.
  • Poor sleep habits or insomnia. It has been observed that CKD patient suffers from trouble sleeping problems
  • If you have itchy skin. You might develop itchy skin because of the build up of toxic materials in the body. This may lead to mineral and bone disease later making your skin dry and itchy.
  • Swollen face and feet ankles. Due to fluid imbalance, fluid build-up leading to a puffy hands, feet, ankles, legs or face. Also proteins leak out from urine, causing puffiness around your eyes.
  • Sudden muscle cramps. Sudden muscle cramps in legs can be a sign of kidney malfunction. So, do not ignore it in the first place.
  • Breathlessness or shortness of breath. When having kidney disease, your organs cannot produce a hormone called erythropoietin. As this hormone is essential to make red blood cells. So, lack of this causes you anemia and breathlessness.
  • Dizzy head. The toxins build-up can also affect your brain. Your body cannot provide enough oxygen, so you feel dizzy and have trouble concentrating.
  • Appetite loss. Appetite loss is also one of the major symptoms of kidney problems.

how to identify the difference between your back pain and kidney pain?

To tell the difference between back pain and kidney pain first we need to know its position.

  • You feel kidney pain slightly higher in the back portion or to the both sides, or just under the rib cage.
  • Your back pain is usually experienced in your lower back portion. To conclude, kidney pain is typically located on your upper back and it’s deep.
  • Your kidney pain is a constant ache.
  • Back pain subsides when you tend to move or make a gesture.
  • You can know if it’s kidney pain when you feel some sharp or severe pain that comes in waves. And the pain may spread to your groin area or belly region as well.
  • Whereas, your back pain is limited to the area where it has been earlier and does not tend to spread over other parts.
  • When you feel kidney pain, you may experience some other symptoms as well such as fever, vomiting ,foamy urine, painful urination.
  • Some major causes of kidney pain includes kidney stones, kidney infection, kidney swelling, kidney cyst, polycystic kidney diseases, kidney cancer, benign kidney tumour,, renal vein thrombosis kidney injury.
  • Some signs that reveal that it is lower back pain are that it shoots down one leg and it gets worse when you do certain activities. you might also feel certain muscle aches.
  • You can identify if it’s your back pain that when you rest or lie down your back pain may ease up.
  • Some other symptoms of back pain include fever, body aches and tiredness.

How to repair kidneys naturally?

The new research shows that our kidneys are regenerating and that it repairs itself throughout life . This fully contradicts the fact that the damaged kidneys cannot repair. So, kidney patients, now take a long breath and relax, you got you all the remedies here. 

The research also shows that our kidneys are not a static organ and that it can cure its malfunction as well, but in the process, we also have to aid it through certain changes.

Here are some of the effective remedies to cure kidney problems and control its symptoms naturally.

  • Control blood sugar
  • Keep blood pressure regulated.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Be aware of how much OTC pills you take a day.
  • Keep your kidney function tested regularly.
  • Have more vitamins in your diet through natural foods as they are rich and powerful antioxidants.
  • How apples a day to keep the doctors away. .
  • You can have dates as they are a rich source of energy and carbohydrates.

What are the indicating signs that you need dialysis?

  • Patients with kidney problems with a high degree of failure rely on dialysis. But there are some other cases as well that need dialysis. some indications to have dialysis include
  • Acute kidney injury.
  • Uremic encephalopathy.
  • Pericarditis
  • Hyperkalaemia.
  • Acidosis.
  • Hypervolemia pulmonary edema
  • Peripheral neuropathy.

What are the foods that heal and improve kidney function?

A good choice of food helps in repairing our kidneys. Here are some good kidney friendly foods that you must include in a diet.

  • Apples, blueberries, spinach, raspberries, sweet potato,, strawberries,, fish, cranberries, pineapples, kill, beaches, cabbage,, cauliflower, cucumber, onions, Peppers, radishes, garlic, tortillas.

Diet that works together for diabetes and kidney problems.

  • If you are one of them who has diabetes as well as kidney problems, then you need to control your blood sugar first to stop damaging our kidneys further.
  • Diabetic and kidney patients share a lot of common things in their diet. Here are some of the healthier ways to manage diabetes and kidney diseases together.
  • Including fruits the most suitable fruits are berries, cherries, papaya, apples. And plums.
  • Vegetables recommended- include cauliflower, onion spinach, cabbage, radish, cucumber.
  • Proteins – An optimum amount of protein is required in the diet., so you can have some lean meats , poultry fish , eggs , and unsalted seafood.
  • Clearwater, clear soup and unsweetened tea are recommended.
  • For carbohydrates you can have whole wheat bread, sandwich buns, unsalted chips.
  • During the later stages of kidney disease, likely when you are on dialysis, your blood sugar level may increase . Consult your specialist to monitor it closely and decide what is best recommended for you. 
  • Also, consult your dietician who will help you create a perfect diet plan to control your blood pressure as well as manage other minerals in the body like sodium, phosphorus, potassium and fluids content.

What vitamins help in kidney replenishment?

A special regulation of vitamins must be maintained to help in repairing kidney functions. Extra soluble vitamins are needed for renal functioning . Some vitamins that should be taken from a natural diet include vitamin B1, B2 , B6, B12 , folic acid , niacin , pantothenic acid, biotin, small doses of vitamin c. 

Can kidney disease improve with regular exercising?

Yes, your kidneys conditions may improve with moderate intensity exercises when done consistently. These provide benefits in kidney functioning and maintain BMI rate for different stages of kidney disease. 

Moderate exercise improves muscle functions, lowers blood pressure along with other major health benefits.

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