How to delay the progression of ckd?

If you are already a patient of chronic kidney disease then timely detection and treatment can be helpful for delaying the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). According to the National kidney foundation around one in nine Americans have chronic kidney disease and most of them don’t even know about it, which can be dangerous. If a patient is having CKD and doesn’t know about it then he will be at high risk of renal failure. 


If you are the patient of CKD then you can follow these following steps to delay the progression of CKD: 


  • At first you should consult a nephrologist (A type of doctor with expertise in kidney related issues) and carefully follow their treatment, along with getting scheduled blood and urine tests and avoiding the risk factors of the disease such as high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes and coronary heart disease. Your treatment will be dependent upon the stage of disease you have. 


  • It should be necessary for you to keep your blood pressure under control in CKD, for this it is possible that your doctor will suggest you to follow Dash (Dietary Approaches Hypertension to Stop Hypertension). In this diet particularly the levels of sodium is low and the levels of potassium and calcium is high. This diet consists of dairy products with low fat contaminants instead of high fat containing ones, having vegetable protein as a substitute of animal proteins and reducing the amount of dark cola cold drinks intake. Seek help from your doctor to get knowledge about potassium factors. However, it is not necessary for all the patients of CKD to increase the amount of potassium in their diet. 


  • It will be good for you to be monitored for the bladder infections and get  treatment if you find any type of bladder infection development in you.  


  • If you are the stage 3 or above chronic kidney disease patient then you should avoid the intake of foods rich in phosphorus such as processed foods, red meats, dairy products and dark soda. When a person’s kidneys stop functioning then the high levels of phosphorus will build up in their body, which will cause huge calcium loss and lead to  bone weakening. Your doctor may prescribe you to take a specific type of medication known as a phosphate binder with meals, this medication particularly binds phosphorus to enter into your blood. 


  • Additionally, a supplement of vitamin D will also be prescribed by your doctor. If you are a patient of CKD stage 3 or above then it may be possible that the parathyroid glands of yours will become hyperactive which can lead to different types of bone diseases like arthritis and skin problems like itching. Vitamin D can be helpful for limiting the production of hormones produced  by parathyroid glands known (PTH), which will prevent the complications of excessive PTH. In addition you will also prescribe you some other medications such as angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)  or angiotensin converting enzymes (ACE). In some research it is found that these medications are able to protect your kidneys and delay the progression of CKD. 


  • You should also try to avoid consuming high amounts of painkillers, particularly those which contain combinations of substances such as caffeine, aspirin and acetaminophen. These are some of the combination agents which are connected with a higher risk of kidney disease. Drugs which include acetaminophen can be harmful for the kidneys alone. However, these are less dangerous than others. These all drugs can cause damage to your kidney’s inner parts which can result in a condition known as interstitial nephritis. One of the most appropriate ways to stay safe from these drugs is to always keep yourself hydrated. 


  • Most probably your doctor will order you to limit high protein diet if you have stage 3 or above stage of CKD because the diet which is rich in protein can cause high pressure inside the kidney’s filtration unit. Along the way this pressure harms your kidney’s filtration unit which causes protein to leak in your urine. Over time this leakage can cause damage to your kidney’s filtration unit.


  • In case you have diabetes, then you should keep it under control by frequently maintaining blood sugar levels and consuming a strict diet plan and taking all the medicines prescribed by your doctor. 


  • If you are suffering from any type of skin problem such as anemia so get it treated for sure. Generally the patients of CKD get anemia because in this condition their kidneys get unable for the production of hormones known as erythropoietin (EPO), which is responsible for the production of the red blood cells. For the treatment of anemia you will have Iron supplements and injections of EPO. Hyperparthysm is one of the most common factors which can make your anemia worse. 


  • Try to reduce weight if you are overweight by limiting fried foods high-fat and rich desserts. Obesity is associated with high blood pressure, cardiac disease and CKD. It will be helpful for you to get a dietician to help you in reducing your weight by planning your meals and diet. 


  • Try to perform exercise regularly. If you are not getting to perform exercise regularly then you should walk at least half an hour on each alternative day as an alternative. Exercise is the most appropriate way for improving your overall health and maintaining a proper weight. 


  • Try to prevent cardiac problems which can be caused by CKD as well be a risk factor for. Some ways for preventing cardiac problems include controlling high blood pressure, diabetes and anemia and maintaining cholesterol levels with the help of diet and medications. 


Some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to CKD 


Can GFR go back up? 


In some studies it is observed that GFR can be increased along the time in the patients with all stages of kidney disease with the help of the few steps mentioned below: 


  • Reducing high blood pressure: There are many ways to reduce high blood pressure such as limiting alcohol, avoiding smoking, exercising regularly, reducing stress and taking a balanced diet. 


  • Treating other metabolic conditions: there are various types of metabolic disorders which can be present in a variety of forms. Take concern from your doctor to get them treated. 

  • Check vitamin D Intake: In most of the cases deficiency of vitaminD is quite common. And many of them don’t even know that they are vitamin D deficient. If you think that you are vitamin D deficient then you should talk with your healthcare provider to get your  blood tested. For increasing the levels of vitamin D in your body you can spend more time in the sun and include more vitamin D rich food in your diet. 

Will my GFR get better If I eat well and exercise? 


Yes it can because having a healthy diet and regular exercise schedule can be beneficial for your both overall and kidney health. 


Is there any new treatment for CKD? 


On date April 30 year 2021 Food and Drug Administration of U.S approved oral tablets of Farxiga (dapagliflozin) for reducing the risk of declination of kidney functions, renal failure, cardiovascular death and heart attack in adults patients of chronic kidney disease who are at higher risk of disease progression. 


Can kidneys improve without dialysis? 


Conservative management treats kidney failures without dialysis or a renal transplant. You will need the help of your healthcare provider to balance symptoms and preserve kidney function of your and a quality form of life till it is possible. 


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