Green vegetables in CKD

Can a chronic kidney disease patient take green vegetables? List of all Indian green vegetables? Do green vegetables increase potassium? Are green vegetables harmful to kidney patients? Seeds vegetables to take or not? Green vegetables to take or not?

What are green vegetables?

Leafy greens are vegetable-like plant leaves that we consume. Leaf vegetables, salad greens, vegetable greens, and just greens are all names for leafy greens. 

A cup of raw greens can contain anything from 5 to 60 calories, as well as 1-4 grams of fiber.

Leafy greens have a lot of nutritional value.

Vitamins A, C, E, and K are abundant in dark leafy greens such as salad, kale, and spinach. Many B-vitamins can also be found in bok choy and mustard greens. 

Iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are also present.

Why are leafy greens referred to as a superfood?

  • Many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are found in them.
  • Leafy greens have a low calorie and high fiber content by nature.
  • They’re accessible all year at grocery stores and farmer’s markets, or you may grow them on your own throughout the spring and summer months, depending on where you live.
  • There are many different types and tastes that you may use in salads, soups, stir-fries, and other dishes.

Kidney disease and green vegetables

Potassium levels in leafy greens should be monitored if you have a renal illness. 

The quantity of potassium you can consume daily is determined by your renal disease stage and the type of dialysis you undergo.

  • Transplantation/Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):

Because of the potassium, most persons with CKD do not need to limit their consumption of leafy greens. If your blood tests reveal greater potassium levels, your doctor or a renal dietitian may advise you on how much to consume. Greens should be carefully washed by those who have had kidney transplants.

  • Hemodialysis 

Some leafy greens have a high potassium content, which might be a problem. The quantity of potassium and other minerals in your leafy greens depends on how you cook them. Raw spinach, for example, may be reduced to a significantly lower amount when cooked. Thus 1 cup raw has less potassium than 1 cup cooked.

  • Home Hemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis

Because these methods of dialysis remove more potassium, you may need to increase your potassium intake. Leafy green vegetables are a fantastic method to acquire more potassium in your diet without taking a potassium supplement.

  • Kidney Stones

If you have a history of calcium oxalate stones, talk to your doctor or a renal dietitian about limiting oxalates. Oxalates are abundant in spinach and Swiss chard.

What leafy green vegetables are the healthiest for your kidneys?

Potassium is an essential element of your everyday diet since it keeps your muscles in good functioning order and keeps your heart pumping regularly. If your kidneys aren’t working correctly, you may be recommended to decrease your potassium intake. Potassium is included in almost all meals. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep portion amounts in mind. 

High potassium test readings can be caused by eating a lot of low potassium meals. Most leafy greens, such as spinach and chard, are high in potassium.

Green Leafy Vegetables for Dialysis

  • Green leafy vegetables, which contain all essential elements, are necessary for growth and good health. 
  • Greens are consumed in India in a variety of ways. 
  • Spinach, Amaranth, Gogu, Fenugreek, Drumstick leaves, Mint, and others are most popular. 
  • Greens should be included in every day’s diet to help avoid anemia and maintain excellent health. 
  • Calcium, Beta carotene, and Vitamin C are all abundant in green leafy vegetables. 
  • Some B-Complex vitamins can also be found in greens.
  • Most leafy greens, such as spinach and coriander, are high in potassium. 
  • Potassium, like salt, must be kept in check in the body while dealing with renal illness.
  • Potassium levels in the blood may get too high if your kidneys aren’t performing correctly. 
  • Because high potassium levels might influence your heart rhythm, your kidney disease diet plan may include a potassium restriction.

Should we cut green leafy vegetables out of our diet completely? 

The answer is a resounding NO. 

  • Greens can be leached by soaking them in warm water or boiling them for 2-5 minutes, then draining and utilizing the vegetable. 
  • However, because most vitamins present in green leafy vegetables are water-soluble, they might be lost during the leaching process. 
  • Please keep in mind that leaching does not entirely remove potassium from the vegetables.
  • As a result, green leafy vegetables that are low or moderately rich in potassium should be consumed in suggested amounts.
  • Green leafy vegetables with relatively high potassium content, such as fenugreek leaves/methi, kale, and lettuce, can be ingested in small amounts without leaching. 
  • If you’re eating Spinach/Palak, Amaranthus/Ambada, Mint/Pudina, or coriander leaves, you should leach them first.

Are nuts and seeds bad for kidneys?

Nuts are rich in phosphorus and should be avoided by persons on a renal diet.

Unsalted Nuts and Seeds: 

  • Protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids are all abundant in these foods. 
  • Almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts (and peanut butter), pepitas, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are just a few examples. 
  • Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants, and pumpkin purée may be utilized in cooking. 
  • Pumpkin seeds are high in potassium and phosphorus, while pumpkin puree is high in potassium, beneficial for patients with renal disease.

List of Green Vegetables:

  1. White Goose Foot (बथुआ)
  2. Spring Onion (हरा प्याज)
  3. Spinach (पालक)
  4. Snake Gourd (चिचिंडा, चचेंडा)
  5. Fenugreek Leaf (हरी मेथी)
  6. Green Chilli (हरी मिर्च)
  7. Green Beans (हरी शेम, शेम के फली)
  8. Jackfruit (कटहल)
  9. Lady Finger (भिन्डी)
  10. Natal Plum (करुन्दा)
  11. Mustard Greens (सरशो पत्ता)
  12. Pointed Gourd (परवल)
  13. Peppermint (पुदीना)
  14. Ridged Gourd (तोरी)
  15. Peas (मटर)
  16. Cucumber (खीरा)
  17. Coriander Leaf (हरा धनिया पत्ता)
  18. Cluster Beans (गवार फली)
  19. Cauliflower (फूल गोभी)
  20. Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)
  21. Cabbage (पत्ता गोभी)
  22. Bottle Gourd (लौकी)
  23. Bitter Gourd (करेला)
  24. Tendli (कुंदरू)
  25. Raw Papaya (कच्चा पपीता)
  26. Raw Banana (कच्चा केला)
  27. Kohlrabi (गांठ गोभी)
  28. Indian Gooseberry (आंवला)
  29. Fennel (हरा सोया)
  30. Drumstick (मूंगा)
  31. Broccoli (हरी गोभी, ब्रोकोली)
  32. Apple Gourd (टिंडा)

Potassium levels in common leafy greens:

  • Low Potassium:
  • Green Cabbage (raw)
  • Kale (raw)
  • Lettuce (raw)
  • Napa Cabbage (cooked)
  • Medium Potassium
  • Kale (boiled)
  • Mustard Greens (boiled)
  • Red Cabbage (raw)
  • Spinach (raw) Spinach (raw)
  • High Potassium
  • Bok Choy (boiled)
  • Beet Greens (cooked)
  • Spinach (boiled, canned, frozen)
  • Swiss Chard (boiled)
  • Turnip Greens (cooked)


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