• As we know our body requires certain minerals and vitamins to keep the body in a balanced state and healthy. 
  • Of those important minerals POTASSIUM is one among them. 
  • This mineral is a chemical element required to perform certain functions in the human body. 

Potassium comes under the mineral group MACROMINERAL based on the body need because it’s daily requirement level should exceed 100 mg/d 

  • The chemical symbol of potassium is K with molecular weight of 39.09 
  • The form of potassium that is fully absorbed at its best is known to be potassium gluconate


Potassium benefits Health in various ways.To explain in detail

  1. Regulates the fluid & electrolyte balance 
  2. It is an useful and a major electrolyte counter to sodium 
  3. Protects brain and muscle function 
  4. Controls the risk of heart stroke 
  5. Helps to maintain healthy weight 
  6. Helps in bone health 
  7. Aids in movement of nutrients and waste matter into and out of cells 8. Helps in control of blood pressure 
  8. Reduces water retention 
  9. Prevents kidney stones 

3.WHY NOT ? 

Anything above required levels can be harmful and even cause toxicity(hyperkalemia), below required levels can cause deficiency(hypokalemia) 

Hyperkalemia can cause severe life threatening fatal conditions such as ● Arrhythmias leading to cardiac arrest 

  • Metabolic acidosis 
  • Haemolysis 
  • Respiratory distress 

Hypokalemia also leads to simple deficiency disorders to fatal cardiac diseases. 4.SOURCES OF POTASSIUM 

The main source of potassium is mainly from food intake only. This is because our body cannot produce these minerals. 

To mention the availability of K they are contained rich in following fruits and vegetables as follows 


1.Banana (केला)

  • It is very well known for its richness in terms of taste and presence of vitamins and minerals especially Potassium. 
  • Studies shown that an average size banana contains about 451 mg of K ● The main advantage of this fruit is an easy availability,facile and affordable 

2.Beans and Lentils(मसरू की दाल

  • In addition to presence of high fiber, protein and antioxidants beans and Lentils have high sources of potassium too 
  • An ½ cup of beans and Lentils have around 421 mg of K 
  • The advantage of this is they too are easily available and affordable 3.Citrus Containing Fruits(साइट्रस).
  • Fruits such as oranges,lemons,grapefruit have high source of potassium ● 1glass of orange juice or orange can provide around 496 mg of K 
  • Additionally oranges are good source of vitamin C,A and iron 

4.Beets and Potatoes ( चकुंदर,आलू

  • In Spite of presence of potassium it also has iron,nitrate,manganese 
  • In 1 potato it contains around 185.2 mg of K,while baked sweet potato has 1110 mg of K ● In beets 259 mg of K is present 

5.Leafy Vegetables(पालक,ब्रोकोली,सरसों का साग)

  • Green Leafy vegetables such as spinach,kale, mustard greens, broccoli are rich source of potassium along with iron and antioxidants 
  • One bowl of leaves contains 839 mg of K 
  • Beet green contains around 1309 mg of K 
  • A cup of cooked kale provide 3.6% of adult daily needs 

6 Tomatoes (टमाटर

Medium fresh Tomato contains 290 mg of K 

  • They are commonly used ingredient in India 
  • Easily available,affordable 
  • This berry does not included in renal diet according to the standards but it is included in it 

7.Diary and it’s Products(दधू ,दही,पनीर)

  • Milk is considered as one of the nutritional food 
  • Presence of fat in milk is inversely proportional to potassium 
  • That is i;e the more the fat ,less the K 
  • For one cup of milk there is 366 mg of K 
  • 1 serving of yogurt contains 440 mg of K 


  • Apart from other vitamins,minerals, fibers availability from meat it include a good amount of potassium 
  • In 85 gm of chicken breast it contains around 333 mg of K 
  • In beef 315 mg of K 

In fish meat such as salmon contains high availability around 326 mg of K 9.Apricots(खबु ानी)

  • Apricots are considered and taken as dry fruits if fresh fruit is not availability ● 5 fruits(dry) a day can be eaten 
  • The quantity of potassium that we get through apricots is around 259 mg of K. Other than K it also contains vitamins,beta carotene,and coarse nutrients. 


  • This water rich melon contains 112 mg of K 
  • It provides small quantities of iron, fiber too 

11.Raisins(कि शमि श)

  • The dried fruit of grapes is know to be raisins or kismis 
  • It contains 749 mg of K 

12.Squash (स्क्वाश

  • Also known as kadu locally 
  • When it served we consume around 352 mg of K 

13.Coconut water(नारि यल पानी

  • There is no greater drink to be consumed than coconut water and known for its hydration
  • It readily replenishes the lost electrolytes and minerals from the body and provides instant energy 
  • It contains 250mg of K 


  • It enhances the health by providing rich nutrients and minerals 
  • It is known to improve heart health, immunity,reduce inflammation and so on ● A boiled cup of broccoli contains around 457 mg of K 

Few other foods included are kiwi,figs,mango,prunes,lady’s finger ,legumes,carrot,bamboo tender shoots,prunesetc 

Consumption of one food in excess or one fruit or vegetable that are rich in K do not increase potassium level in the body . Including 3or 4 varieties has a better advantage over improving health. 


1.Apple(100 grams) (सेब

contains of 107 mg of K

2.Milk Bread(दधू की रोटी

  • Contains of 65 mg of K 


  • Contains of 24 mg of K

4.Blueberries, cranberries,black berries(जामनु

  • Contains of 120 mg of K 

5.Pineapple(1 slice)(अनानास

  • Contains of 61 mg of K 

6.Plums (100 grams)(आलबू खु ारा

  • Contains of 157 mg of K

7.Corn( small)(मक्का

  • Contains of 50 mg of K 

8.Rice(100 grams)(चावल

  • Contains of 35 mg of K 

9.Cherries (100grams)(चेरी

  • Contains of 173 mg of K

10.Cucumber(half cup sliced)(खीरा

  • Contains of 76.4 mg of K 

11.Brinjal or eggplant(1 cup)(बगैंन

  • Contains of 187 mg of K 

12.Grapes(1 cup)(आडू

  • Contains of 175 mg of K

13.Lettuce(1 cup)(सलाद पत्ता

  • Contains of 69.8 mg of K 


  • Contains of 247 mg of K 

15.Radish (1small) 

  • Contains of 4.7 mg of K

16.Watercress(1 sprig)(जलकंुभी

  • Contains of 8.3 mg of K 

17.Water chestnuts (singhaada

)( half cup) 

  • Contains of 362 mg of K 

18.Zucchini(1 slice)(तरुई

  • Contains of 25.8 mg of K

19.Yellow squash(1 slice)(पीला स्क्वशै

Contains of 25 mg of K 

20.Onions (medium ,1 slice)(प्याज

Contains of 20.4 mg of K 

21.Parsley or coriander(धनि या

Contains of 5.5 mg of K

  • Potassium low Containing foods doesn’t mean the level of K is very less or absent at all. ● The consumption of it is not sufficient to meet the minimum requirement level of the body 

To know this recommended daily level or limit is given for a typical diet 

  • For women it is about 2300 to 2600 mg 
  • For males or is about 2500 to 3400 mg 
  • For 0_6 months old it is about 400 mg 
  • For1_13 years it is between 3000 to 4500 mg 

For a restricted person the daily limit is restricted to 2000mg per day 

Trained food expert will help regarding the diet according to the condition of a person or co manages with the nephrologist/cardiologist in case of any underlying conditions 

5.Important Point to be noted 

  • As mentioned before a certain level of potassium is safe causing no harm while high levels in blood leads to severe complications…….Soo…. 

The Safe levels of potassium within the blood is 3.5 to 5.0 

Above 5.1 indicates the danger zone that is (i;e increase risk ) 

6.Harmful effects 

Brief detailing over the effects caused by consumption of high or low potassium diet and it’s management



High levels of 

potassium in blood


● Can happen if 

there is more 

intake of 

potassium rich 


● If kidneys fail 

to function in 

removal of this 


● Uncontrolled 

diabetes , 

blood pressure 

● Hemolysis or 

breakdown of 

muscle tissues 

● Drugs 

Other kidney related disorders.

Treatment : includes 

● Low potassium diet 

● Medications 

(Diuretics ) 

● Dialysis .



Low levels of 

potassium in blood 


  • Inadequate 

intake of food 


  • Unprescribed continuation of 

drugs or 

overdosage of 


  • Gastrointestinal or renal 

losses through 


Treatment: includes 

  • Rich 

potassium diet 

  • Medications 




  • If severe 



of potassium 

  • As mineral, potassium and its salts are not found in fortified foods it should be consumed as a supplement only. 
  • Potassium is a positive ion that resides in the cell is required for an electric potential to create during nerve conduction.
  • Almost the major amount of K is omitted out through urine and a minor amount is through sweat. 
  • This plays an excellent role in benefiting human health against blood pressure,bone disorders,kidney problems or to some extent heart conditions as well. 
  • Long duration of consumption is needed for the health benefits to be visible or established. 
  • There is not always these effects get caused from consumption of high or low K containing foods , sometimes it may happens due to underlying conditions (kidney diseases,cardiac problems,over use of certain drugs). 
  • Lastly the quality of diet should be adjusted to have a potential advantage through this isolated and deficient or over consumed mineral. 
  • Everyone should be familiar with….. 

What you eat will affect the body?

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